In the last 2 weeks of August, I will be going on a holiday.
Originally it was the 2nd and 3rd weeks but our church conference is on the 13th and I would be away for it. Since I havent booked anything or things like that, I thought I would just move it so I can attend.
The plan is, to drive down the coast, stopping and taking pictures to my hearts content. I will go through Victoria and enjoy what is left of the 12 apostles on the great ocean road. I will spend the first night at my nan's house in Ulladulla and then I will either sleep in the back of the car (I have a newish Falcon Station wagon so there is plenty of room) on an air mattress or, If I plan to stay somewhere for more than a day, I can put up my tent at some kind of local caravan park and sleep there.
After coasting through Victoria (get the pun! Hahaha I'm so funny! Perhaps not..)I will check out Adelaide and head home through the Adelaide Hills and Barossa Valley (mmm, tasty wine!). My mum suggested that I check out Broken Hill on the way back. So, should be cool. I also have friends in Wagga that I would like to see on the way back. I have got 2 weeks off work, so that should be enough time to look at a fair bit of stuff.
Hopefully the car will behave itself. It's pretty new but I havent had a good track record with regards to car reliability. So, will have to pray for that.