Thursday, August 02, 2007

Snow Trip 2

Last weekend I went on my second snow trip this year. I went down with a friend's church ski trip.

It's kind of weird this year, I am going 3 or 4 times (I guess a benefit of living in Canberra) when last year I went once and that was the first time in about 5 years!

The first day we went to Thredbo which was pretty good. The snow was a bit icy which meant that it was difficult to ski. The company was good though which more than made up for the icy snow. Above photo is at Merritts. I got the prize for 'biggest stack' from going down Wiamea and hitting some nasty ice. The prize was a mug with 'no guts, no glory' and a black diamond on the side. It of course has gone straight to the pool room!

The second day, only about 6 of us skied and we went to Perisher. The snow was heaps better and I felt alot more confident about the whole thing. Did a few tasty blue runs which were quite enjoyable. I'm certainly not up to double blue or black yet but should progress some more by the end of the season which is a good thing.

The next snow trip is on the 10th-12th of August which should be great!


At 2:34 pm, Blogger Ximno said...

MMMmm Snow.. can't wait...
I'll get there.


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