Friday, December 29, 2006

The 'high' ground

I have always thought of myself as a thinker. Also, I think of myself as someone who does things for my own reasons, not what people want me to do.

Now the reason I mention this is that I have been thinking a fair bit lately about what I do and say. I would say that the old Stu thought in lines like this:
- I dont care what people think (in some areas)
- I think it is funny so I will say it.
- I would like to compliment someone so I will say it.
- I will behave in a certain way because I think that it is fine.

In regards to this stuff, my behaviour in the past has certainly not been non-biblical, however I wonder if it was the best thing I could have done at the time. Both for me, and the person/s involved.
Many times I have thought "no, I wouldnt do that, that's what everyone does" or "I am happy to compliment so-and-so on what she is wearing because I would like her to feel better about herself" or one of the above statements. I wouldnt want to behave in the way 'everyone else' behaves because that would mean that the world was dictating to me the way to behave and I am above that.

Now I am not really wanting to discuss at this point where those thoughts come from, more just the effect of them.

As I look back over the last 5 odd years I think that at many times and in various ways, due to thinking "I know what I mean, why don't you?" and behaviour springing from this type of thinking I have seemed:
- weird
- creepy
- desperate
- rude/insensitive
- etc.

What I have learned from thinking about this stuff is that although I am an individual and the way I am, if I dont think about what people expect to hear and are comfortable to hear/see, and dont behave in a manner within those 'boundaries' then I am doing them, and subsequently me a disservice.

I guess what I am saying is that I cant be too high and mighty to think that I am above playing the social 'game' that everyome seems to play. I wouldnt say it is like people playing games, just that there are many unwritten rules to social ineraction that are helpful to adhere to. I cant think, "I will be what I like and if you dont get it, that's too bad" because I think that for the benefit of the people around me, and as a follow on result, the benefit of me, I need to think about where others are coming from.
Knowing these things I believe that I can make others feel more comfortable around me, and as a result have more people enjoy my company.


At 8:40 am, Blogger ChinDoGu said...

Yes. Exactly.

And at the same time a resounding No!

What you describe does seem to be the situation as far as social interaction goes, but I don't think the response you have here is exactly right. Then again I am in a simalar boat to you, so take anything I say with a grain of salt.

Personally, I think the correct reaction is to understand these unwritten rules and think about them, so that when you do break them, you do it knowingly. Willingly. And for the right reasons.

Just because they are the accepted social norm, does not make them right, but if you are going to break them, you need to understand what the consequences of doing so will be before you do.

There are times when it is right to playe the game. There are also times where in my opinion it is right to tell the game to get stuffed and be yourself. The trick is working out which are which.

At 6:52 pm, Blogger Stoobie said...

Yeah, fair call. I guess I was saying that with the benefit fo hindsight I have said 'get stuffed to the game' when perhaps I shouldnt have.


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