Friday, June 30, 2006

The terrible two's

This week my step-sister and her little toddler came and stayed for a couple of nights to kind of have an away from home holiday on the cheap.
I have to say that it has been eye opening to my understanding of children and maybe I dont want one that bad...

I (and others I am sure) would say that I love kids. However, for the fist time that I know of I saw what I would say was the 'other side' of childrens behaviour. Not that I hadnt looked after kids who misbehaved, just that I hadnt experienced it to that degree. There seems to be something about 2 when they are really naughty but still dont understand repercussions for their actions....apparently...

Wednesday night we went for dinner at the local Chinese restaraunt and baby Gideon decided that it would be a good idea to tip a bowl of singapore noodles over his head and throw everything he could get his hands on on the floor. That was just the start. During the 36 hours he was around, he threw a glass light fitting into the bath which exploded on impact, threw food everywhere, opened all my dvd's and left them face side down on the ground, damaged the venetian blinds, attacked my housemates laptop and nearly ripped the disk loader out of my xbox.
As a general rule, when they are being that way, they will throw anything they can lift, press any button they see, and generally try to destroy anything in their path.

Now, the reality of the situation is that he is 2 and that is apparently what 2 year olds are like. You cant hold that against them. I also should have thought of it beforehand and toddlerproofed my house but you live and learn. Also, Gideon is a lovely kid so dont think I am just paying out on him.

I guess the main point is that if you know what to expect with these type of things then you can be a little better prepared for them. Both mentally and orderly.


At 9:49 pm, Blogger Mel M said...

From what I can gather, it is a very different thing when they are your own and also you watch them develop their "brattyness "develop and kind of expect and accept it- to a degree. Sounds like he was having a bit of a moment (for three days) and believe me, you will be ready when it happens. I have been told that no matter how well prepared you are for children, it is never enough.

It is funny, as a teacher I can 'control' 30 or so children at one time, but when parents talk to me, they say that their children are completely different CREATURES at home.

At 8:22 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want grown-up kids, not toddlers. ;)

At 1:05 pm, Blogger Donna-May said...

so know what you're saying stu, i have a 21 month old nephew. he gets into everything and likes hitting me in the face for some reason. my sister is doing a great job of disciplining him and i'm so proud of her, it'd be so easy to let it go because it takes so much effort.

can't wait till he's past this stage. :)


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