Thursday, May 11, 2006

Decisions and more

Hi all,
Well, after lots of soul searching and thinking and discussion with friends, I have decided to stay where I am in regards to work. It was a hard decision, but I think it was a good one.
I talked with my boss here which was one of the most helpful things I could have done. He told me that there is a senior engineer position here if I want to step up to it. That it would be good for all concerned here and the money element can be sorted out too. This would be all whilst staying where I want to be, which is Wollongong.

One thing I have decided to do is sell my motorbike (well at least try to). As much as it is great and fun and fairly economical to run, it also costs heaps to register and insure it and I think that if I dont have it, I would be able to be in a much better financial position. Another thing is that my mum hates me having it and it causes her to worry more than she already does. As much as I am my own person, I still want to honour my mother and father.

Last weekend was quite good. We had our church weekend away down at Koloona which is kind of west from North Nowra. It was lots of fun with some good talks on God's passion and our passion (how they should be the same). I rode the bike down which was good but getting a little cold these days. I had good nights sleeps both nights and I think I attribute most of that to the awesome flanelette fitted sheet that I recently bought from woolies for $12. I thouroughly reccomend them! There was also a well run trivia night as the Saturday nights organised fun activity.

The not-so-good news is that Emily's masters project has been stopped. She had a half yearly progress meeting last Friday in which she was told by her advisers that she wasnt allowed to continue. I think that was quite unfortunate because it was obvious to me that she had put stacks of effort and time into it.
Since Emily is an international student she is now going to have to sort out what that means for her visa and all sorts of stuff. Please pray for her as she works through what to do. Whether she can enroll in some other degree, change her visa to a working visa, or has to go back to America. She deinitely wants to stay and I definitely want her to stay too.

Prayer points:
- Please thank God that Emily has responded well to the decision her advisers made.
- Ask that no matter what happens it would be to God's glory.
- Ask that she would be able to stay if that is God's will.
- Thank God that I have been able to stay in Wollongong.
- Ask that I would be able to serve God wholeheartedly in Wollongong.
- Ask that no matter what happens with Emily's visa that I would trust God and serve him only.
- Ask that if it is God's will that I sell my motorbike.

I like this 'prayer points' bit. I might have to do it more often.:)


At 11:27 am, Blogger Georgina said...

Hey Stu,
Obviously I don't know the details, or need to know!, but if Emily believes that she should be allowed to continue she should be able to legitimately and justly query their decision. Here at UNSW they have an advocacy officer, who is independent and can assist in appealing a decision. It might be something she wants to investigate.


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