Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Work Work Work

Work is good. I am pretty sure I have said I am staying where I am and putting in some hard work.
That has been really good. I have had lots more responsibility and ownership of the jobs I do. I have been working later too. 6pm most nights of the week. It is still less time than if I was doing all that travelling that I thought was such a good idea.
We have lots of work on which is really good. I have been doing quotes for people, talking with clients and generally being the guy.
I have a good feeling about work. I like turning up and working hard and putting in a solid days work is quite rewarding.
I think part of how I feel about it at the moment comes from having enough experience to be able to take the responsibility. Earlier on in my Engineering career I think I didnt enjoy it that much. I made a few mistakes and generally found it difficult to not want to leave exactly on 5.
Since I have talked with the boss and we agreed that I would 'step up' it has been really good. I have been getting more respect from everyone concerned and feel that I am doing a good job.

With that in mind I would like to comment on how hard it is for a Christian in the workplace.
I have found in my time at work that although I wanted to show a good biblical model of not working too much (showing the importance of other aspects of my life such as ministry and time with friends/family), I went too far the other way. In my leaving at 5 on the dot I lost alot of respect from the people I work with. They saw me as more of a non-committed, bare minimum type guy who didnt really want to be there.
As I have stepped up and work harder, I see them having more respect for me which can only be good for the message I am trying to tell them - the Gospel.


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