Thursday, June 01, 2006

Romans Bible Studies - Part 1

The last few weeks we have been going through Romans pretty fast. The idea is that we would study the second half in detail and so we fast tracked the first 8 chapters.
Pretty much everyone in the group really enjoyed the studies so I thought I would post them for all you dudes out in blog-land to use if you want.
I have put suggested answers in for helps sake. They are not meant to be exhaustive, just helpful. Also, some questions are fairly easy, but sometimes it is good to have a few easy questions in there to keep the ball rolling.

Romans Chapters 1-2 (we did chapters 1-3 but I dont have time to write it all now!:)

- Pray

- Read Romans Chapter 1:1-7
- Who is the letter from? Paul
- How does Paul describe himself? Called to be an apostle and set apart for the gospel of God
- List the elements of the gospel that Paul mentions in his introduction.
- Who is the letter to? The saints (Christians) in Rome

- Read Chapter 1:8-17
- From this section, what is important to Paul? The church in Rome, preaching the gospel (note how many times he mentions it in this section.
- What do you need to recieve righteousness from God? Faith

- Read Chapter 1:18-32
- Who is the wrath of God being revealed against? Men who suppress the truth by their wickedness
- Can you say these people are acting out of ignorance? No, the truth is plain to them, God's power and nature is clear to them through His creation
- How does Paul describe their situation? They rejected God and so God gave them what they wanted.
- Again, what does vs 32 say about their actions? Though they know the truth, they choose to sin and encourage others to do so as well

- Read Chapter 2:1-4
- How could you as a Christian be thinking at this point? I'm not that bad, I havent done most of that stuff
- Where do we stand in regards to God's righteous judgement? We deserve judgement as well
- How are we able to repent? Through God's kindness

- Read Chapter 2:5-11
- When will God's righteous judgement be revealed? The day of God's wrath
- How does this help us when we see the guilty go unpunished? There will be a time when God will judge in righteousness and truth. He doesnt forget.
- What do we know about God's judgement? It will be completely fair and everyone will be judged to the same measure.

- Read Chapter 2:12-16
- Who is Paul talking about when he says "Those who sin apart from the law"? The Gentiles
- How will they be judged? According to the law on their hearts
- Who are those "under the law"? The Jews
- How will they be judged? By the law
- When will all this happen? Judgement day

- Read Chapter 2:17-24
- What is different for the Jews? They have the law. They are God's chosen people.
- What were the Jews supposed to do? Show God's glory to the world
- What were the Jews doing? Not practicing what they preached.
- And what was the result of this? God's name blasphemed instead of glorified.

- Read Chapter 2:25-29
- What is the important thing here? Keeping the law's requirements. What your heart is like
- Who's praise matters? God's
- Summarise Chapters 1 and 2. What is the overall argument so far?


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