Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Living in Bellambi

For those who have not visited my abode, it is a 2 bed townhouse located in the suburb of Bellambi. It's quite a nice house but it's in a fairly undesirable neighbourhood. Our neighbours on at least 2 sides often have 'domestic disturbances' and are really quite loud and angry about it. The neighbours on one side have had the police called on them quite a number of times, one time, the single mum and her 16 year old son had a fist fight in their driveway. Other times the younger son screams like he is being murdered, with loud calls of "Mummmy No!" Needless to say, it's not a great neighbourhood.
As much as having stuff like that going on around, I would hope that the people around notice that the only loud noises that come from our house are laughter and fun(oh and me making stuff out of wood). Hopefully soon I will be able to have some good chats with our neighbours and I would really like to have them ask what is different about Dave (my housemate) and I. I would love to bring them the good news of Jesus and let them know that if they trust in him they will eventually go to a place where there is no more mourning or crying or pain.
If you could pray for myself (that I wouldnt be afraid to talk with them) and my neighbours, that they would come to trust in Jesus, that would be awesome.


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